Programmable Logic Controller MCQ Quiz Test No.: 5 /10 0 votes, 0 avg 39 MCQ Quiz - Test: 5 : Programmable Logic Controller This quiz helps students to increase their Programmable Logic Controller knowledge. 1 / 10 An _______ function is implemented in the PLC LD program shown figure: X-NOR X-OR NAND NOR 2 / 10 The waveform shown in figure represent _______ function is implemented in the PLC LD program. X-NOR X-OR NAND NOR 3 / 10 The figure shown below represent ____________function. AND OR NAND NOR 4 / 10 The Boolean representation of the PLC LD program shown figure is: (ABBAR+DBAR)C (ABARB+D)CBAR (A + BBAR) (DBAR) + C (AB+D)C 5 / 10 The waveform shown in the figure represents _______ function is implemented in the PLC LD program. X-NOR X-OR NAND NOR 6 / 10 An _______ function is implemented in the PLC LD program shown figure: X-NOR X-OR NAND NOR 7 / 10 An NAND function implemented in ladder logic uses Normally-closed contacts in series Normally-open contacts in series Normally-open contacts in parallel Normally-closed contacts in parallel 8 / 10 An NOR function implemented in ladder logic uses Normally-closed contacts in series Normally-open contacts in series Normally-open contacts in parallel Normally-closed contacts in parallel 9 / 10 An OR function implemented in ladder logic uses Normally-closed contacts in series Normally-open contacts in series Normally-open contacts in parallel Normally-closed contacts in parallel 10 / 10 The waveform shown in the figure represents _______ function is implemented in the PLC LD program. X-NOR NOT NAND NOR Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Test No. 1 Test No. 2 Test No. 3 Test No. 4 Test No. 5 Test No. 6 Test No. 7 Test No. 8 Test No. 9 Test No. 10 Test No. 11