The NFPA stands for National Fire Protection Association, a non-profitable international organization, defines code and standard for fire, electrical and related hazards for the safety of peoples, animals, and others.
The NFPA 72 is standard, used for National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. This code is published by NFPA.
NFPA 72 develop rules and regulations or guidelines for installation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of fire safety equipment, fire alarm system, and emergency alarm reporting system.
Other associated standard codes are described below.
The benchmark for safe electrical design, installation, and inspection is NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC), to protect people and property from electrical hazards.
The industry benchmark for automatic fire sprinkler systems design and implementation, NFPA 13 discusses approaches to sprinkler system design, system implementation, and component choices to avoid fire deaths and loss of property.
In order to ensure that portable fire extinguishers function as designed to provide the first line of protection against fires of limited duration, NFPA 10 offers specifications.
NFPA 2001 standard defines specifications for clean agent fire extinguishing systems for complete flooding and local implementation. It is intended for use by those who buy, develop, install, evaluate, inspect, authorize, operate, and maintain fire suppression systems for engineered or pre-engineered gaseous agents so that they work as needed as intended.