Programmable Logic Controller MCQ Quiz Test No.: 3

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MCQ Quiz – Test: 3 : Programmable Logic Controller

This quiz helps students to increase their Programmable Logic Controller knowledge.

1 / 10

In a current-sinking DC input module

2 / 10

Current flows into the

3 / 10

The first company to build PLCs was

4 / 10

The PLC was invented by

5 / 10

Which one of the following is not a PLC manufacturer?

6 / 10

The PLC is used in _______

7 / 10

The scan time of PLC is depend on

8 / 10

For protection of PLC from incoming surges coming from field, which isolated device is used?

9 / 10

PLC can be ___________ in plant to change the sequence of operation.

10 / 10

The speed of operation of Conventional relay system as compared to digital controllers like PLC is ____________.

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