Programmable Logic Controller MCQ Quiz Test No.: 1 94 Created on October 23, 2020 MCQ Quiz – Test: 1 : Programmable Logic Controller This quiz helps students to increase their Programmable Logic Controller knowledge. 1 / 10 Full name of SCADA is Supervisory Control And Distributed Acquisition Selective Control And Data Acquisition Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition None of these 2 / 10 Ladder logic programming consists primarily of Relay contacts and coils Logic gates symbol and connecting lines Virtual relay contacts and coils Functional blocks and connecting lines 3 / 10 For 16-bit register, the largest integer number a PLC counter function can reach. 32767 32768 65535 65536 4 / 10 Small PLC has __________ inputs and outputs pins. 20 50 128 256 5 / 10 Unitary PLC has _________ inputs and ___________ outputs 10, 10 20, 12 12, 20 10, 20 6 / 10 Which of the following is not graphical programming language for PLC? Ladder Diagrams (LD) (i.e. Ladder Logic) Function Block Diagram (FBD) Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Structured Text (ST) 7 / 10 PLC Communication is include in IEC 61131-2 IEC 61131-3 IEC 61131-4 IEC 61131-5 8 / 10 PLC programming Languages are include in IEC 61131-1 IEC 61131-5 IEC 61131-4 IEC 61131-3 9 / 10 PLC means Programmable Ladder Control Peripheral Logic Controller Programmable Logic Controller Pneumatic Logic Controller 10 / 10 In IEC 61131-3, IEC means Instrumentation Electronic Communication International Electronic Commission International Electrotechnical Commission None of these Your score isThe average score is 55% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Test No. 1 Test No. 2 Test No. 3 Test No. 4 Test No. 5 Test No. 6 Test No. 7 Test No. 8 Test No. 9 Test No. 10 Test No. 11