Fires are caused by natural causes as well as manual (by person) causes.
Natural causes – In this category, fire happens due to lighting, high atmospheric temperature, low humidity or dryness in the atmosphere. Mostly this type of causes generated fire inside forest.
Man made causes – In this category, fire is caused when a source of fire like bidi, cigarette, electric sparking due to electrical appliances and any source of ignition comes into contact with fuel like petrol, gas, diesel, oil and others.
1. Cooking:

In the worldwide, the fire due to cooking is the number one cause of home fires and home injuries.
In the kitchen, the fire is often caused by greases (fuel) that become overheated on a microwave or an oven or on a a stove and others appliances. In the kitchen, the fire is also caused by leakages of cylinder gases.
2. Forest:

Fire in the forest is on the second number hazardous parameter. Due to forest fire, thousand numbers of animals’ injuries and death happened.
Classification of Forest Fire:
Forest fire can be classified into different categories;
a) Natural or controlled forest fire.
b) Forest fires caused by heat generated in the litter and other biomes in summer through carelessness of human (people neglect).
c) Forest fires intentionally caused by local inhabitants.
Due to forest fire following effect are generated.
Dead of thousand of animals, loss of valuable timber resources, health problems leading to diseases, global warming, ozone layer depletion, degradation of catchment areas,loss of wildlife habitat and depletion of wildlife, loss of biodiversity and extinction of plants and animals,loss of carbon sink resource and increase in percentage of CO2 in atmosphere, loss of natural regeneration and reduction in forest cover, soil erosion affecting productivity of soils and production.

3. Heating Equipment:
Fire due to heating equipment is a leading cause in homes, offices and other area. Fire with respect to home heating equipment accounted for around 20% of civilian deaths, 15% of civilian injuries and 18% of direct property damage.
Sources of heating fire are space heaters including wood stoves, fireplaces or chimneys, central heat, water heaters (gas and electric), light fixtures, light bulbs, heat lamps, wall furnaces, forced air furnaces (gas and electric), electric wall heaters, electric heat pumps, space heaters.
4. Lighting fires and Lighting strikes:
Lighting fires and Lighting strikes is another cause of fire, mostly occurs outside of home. These fires caused civilian deaths, injuries, and million dollar property damage per year.
This type of fire mostly occurs during monsoon season or abnormal weather condition.
5. Lighted Candle:

Another sources of fire is lighted candle. Lighted candle have open flame and a potential for fire hazard if continuous monitoring is not performed. According to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), every year in U.S. an estimated 8,200 home fires are started by candles and it cause an estimated 15,600 house fires, 1,270 injuries and 150 deaths.
The candle fires stared due to combustible burn of furniture, mattresses, curtains, or decorations, bedding are very near to the candle flame.
6. Smoking:
During 2012-16 year, according to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) an estimated 18100 home fires are started by smoking materials and it cause an estimated 15,600 house fires, 1130 injuries, 590 deaths and losses of million dollar of properties. The main sources of this type fire is Smoking of bidi, cigarette and others.