For fire prevention, following points are very important and take a note.
1) In starting and spreading of fire, three components or elements play an important role and they are Heat, Oxygen and Fuel. Try to distribute these three elements.
2) Open fire exists and don’t block it.
3) Obey rules and regulations of smoking and always follow a policy of Non Smoking Zone.
4) Install manual call points, fire extinguishers, fire detectors, fire alarm and other related equipment’s depending on the application.
5) Always follow manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions when any electrical appliances are used.
6) In cooking area, check installed chimneys are tested and washed regularly.
7) Use fire safety sign like exit, no-smoking zone, fire point, fire action, manual call point, fire hose reel, fire bucket, fire alarm, fire blanket, fire escape ladder, fire extinguisher, at appropriate locations.

8) When you leave the home or go to sleep, turn off oven, heaters, gas stove and other appliances.
9) Take away children from the kitchen area and put matches or lighters in locked drawer.
The Following steps will be performed on hearing of the fire safety alarm.
1) If you receive notification in the form of fire alarm, firstly you will walk quickly and inform other surrounding your side bye loudly shouting Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! …….

2) For stop the spreading of fire and smoke, turn off the doors behind you.
3) Leave the building area or office area or places immediately by the nearest exit and reached at safe location.
4) Make sure all peoples are out of the building or not.
5) Never go back inside fire area and dial emergency call and inform the fire safety person or an authorised person. Wait for the fire safety service to arrive at location and take necessary steps.
6) Do’t used elevators (lifts).
7) Don’t take more time for your exit to collect your relatives.