GTU 3110016 Basic Electronics: List of Experiments/Practicals

Practical Title
1To measure DC voltage and current, AC voltage and current with multi-meter
2To observe waveforms on oscilloscope, measure basic parameters amplitude and frequency of sine wave and square wave.
3Obtain VI characteristics of semiconductor rectifier diode, LED, Photo-diode.
4To observe waveform at the output of half wave rectifier with and without filter capacitor. To measure DC voltage, DC current, ripple factor with and without filter capacitor.
5To observe waveform at the output of full wave rectifier with and without filter capacitor. To measure DC voltage, DC current, ripple factor with and without filter capacitor.
6To observe waveform at the output of bridge rectifier with and without filter capacitor. To measure DC voltage, DC current, ripple factor with and without filter capacitor.
7To construct clamper circuits on breadboard and To observe waveforms at the output of clamper circuits.
8To construct clipper circuits on breadboard and To observe waveforms at the output of clipper circuits.
9Construct AND gate & OR gate with help of diode and verify truth table.
10To obtain common emitter characteristics of NPN transistor.
11To obtain common base characteristics of NPN transistor.
12To obtain common collector characteristics of NPN transistor.
13To design common emitter amplifier and construct circuit on breadboard. Measure gain at different frequencies and plot frequency response.
14To understand working of transistor as a switch. To draw DC load line for given circuit.
15To observe input-output waveforms of common collector (CC) amplifier. To measure gain of amplifier at different frequencies and plot frequency response.
16To obtain characteristics of field effect transistor (FET).
17To measure gain of FET common source (CS) amplifier.
18Verify truth table of basic digital logic gates OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR.
19To test individual circuit prepared by the student (Get circuit from the faculty, build it, draw circuit diagram and test it in the laboratory. Write test results in this practical).

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