GTU 3131704 Digital Electronics: List of Experiments/Practicals

1) Verification of logic gates using digital ICs and configuring NAND and NOR gates as universal logic gates.

2) Implementation of Boolean Logic Functions using logic gates and combinational circuits, measure digital logic gates specifications such as propagation delay, noise margin, Fan-in and Fan-out.

3) Design and implementation of Binary Half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor, Parallel adder.

4) Design and implementation of code converters.

5) Design and implementation of Encoder and Decoder.

6) Design and implement of Magnitude comparator.

7) Design and implementation of multiplexer and de-multiplexer.

8) Design and Implement JK-flip-flop, RS-flip-flop, D – flip-flop, and T-flip-flop using digital ICs.

9) Design and implement universal shift registers using digital IC.

10) Design and implement Asynchronous and synchronous Counters.

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