GTU 2171711 Embedded System Design (Dept Elec-II): Syllabus

TopicsTeaching HoursModule Weightage
1Introduction to embedded system:
Definition of Embedded System, Embedded Systems Vs General Computing Systems, History of Embedded Systems, Introduction to Real Time Embedded system and general purpose computers, Embedded system components, Embedded System Design Process, Classification of an embedded system, Examples of an embedded system, Major Application areas
24 %
2Introduction to different embedded System Architectures:
2.1 Instruction Set Architecture
2.1.1 CISC and RISC instruction set architecture
2.2 Basic Embedded Processor/Microcontroller Architecture
2.2.1 CISC Examples Motorola (68HC11) Example 8051
2.2.2 RISC Example ARM AVR
2.2.3 DSP Processors
2.2.4 Harvard Architecture PIC
(Note:- Compare structures advantages and applications of different architectures.)
24 %
3ARM Processor:
3.1 ARM processor family, Application of ARM Processor, The Acorn RISC machine, Architectural inheritance, The ARM programmer’s model, ARM development tools
3.2 Memory System Architecture
3.2.1 memory types:- RAM,ROM, UVROM, FLASH Memory, DRAM
3.2.2 Memory maps, Registers and addresses.
24 %
4ARM instruction set and Assembly programming:
Data processing instructions, Data transfer instructions, Control flow instructions, Conditional execution, ARM Condition codes, Software interrupt (SWI), Multiply instructions, Writing simple assembly language programs for ARM, 3-stage pipeline ARM organization, 5-stage pipeline ARM organization, Understanding of ARM instruction execution, Exceptions in ARM, Thumb programmer’s model and instruction set
612 %
5I/O Devices of ARM processor:
5.1 General purpose I/O
5.2 Timers and counters
5.2.1.Watchdog timer
5.3 PWM device
5.4 Interrupt controllers
5.5 A/D and D/A converters
5.6 Serial communication devices
1223 %
6Communication Bus protocols for embedded system:
6.1 UART and SPI communication protocol
6.2 I2C communication protocol I2C Protocol, Programming for I2C Protocol, Real time application using RTC, Advantages & Disadvantages of I2C Protocols.
6.3 USB communication protocol
6.4 PCI-bus communication protocol
6.5 CAN protocol
1018 %
7Embedded C programming:
7.1 Overview of C compiler and optimization, Basic C data types, C Looping structures, Register allocations, function calls, pointer aliasing, structure arrangement, bit-fields, Division, floating point, Inline functions and inline assembly, Portability issues
7.2 “C” programs for General purpose I/O, general purpose timer, PWM Modulator, UART, I2C Interface, SPI Interface, ADC, DAC.
612 %

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