GTU 2171711 Embedded System Design (Dept Elec-II): List of Experiments/Practicals

Practical Title
1Write and simulate ARM assembly language programs for transfer data from one register to another register.
2Write and simulate ARM assembly language programs for arithmetic and logical operations such as addition, subtraction multiplication, AND, XOR, OR…..
3A) Take 3 numbers and perform multiply and accumulate.
B) Take 2 numbers and perform addition of square of numbers.
4Write and simulate program in KEIL to perform following task.
1. Addition of data in a single array.
2. Addition of 5 (32 bit) data stored in two array and store the result in third array.
3. Compare the data from the given array and store the smallest number in the register.
5Write an assembly program to arrange given numbers in Ascending and Descending. Demonstrate original and arranged numbers in memory.
6Write an assembly program to perform following string related operations.
1. Convert the given string from lower to upper case.
2. Convert the given string from upper to lower case.
3. Convert given string into toggle case.
7To interface LED with ARM microprocessor and Write a Program to blink LED’s connected on P0.1 to P0.12 and reset them in reverse manner at the interval of 1 sec. Simulate program in simulator and observe output on board.
8To interface switch with ARM microprocessor and write a program to read status of the switch. Example:- 4 switches (SW1 to SW4) are connected with ARM processor(LPC2148) board on pin P0.15, P0.13, P0.12 and P0.30 and 4 LEDs are connected on ARM processor board on pin P1.16. to P1.19. Write a program which will turn on LED1 if SW1 is pressed, turn on LED2 if SW2 is pressed, turn on LED3 if SW3 is pressed, turn on LED4 if SW4 is pressed. Turn off LEDs after some delay. Test program in Keil or any other software and observe output on kit.
9To interface LCD with ARM microprocessor. Write and execute programs in C or assembly language for displaying text messages and numbers on LCD.
10To write programs for serial communication between PC and ARM microprocessor.
11To interfacing “LED touch screen display” with ARM processor. Also display key board on screen and take input from it.
12Study Interfacing RTC with ARM processor.
13To interface DC motor with ARM microprocessor. Write program to rotate DC motor in clockwise and anticlockwise direction with different speed.
14To interface Stepper motor with ARM microprocessor. Write program to rotate motor in half step and full step mode.
15Write a program to generate sinusoidal, triangular, saw tooth and square wave using DAC.

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