GTU 3151710 Biomedical Instrumentation: Syllabus

Sr.TopicsTeaching Hours
1The Human Body:
An Overview, Cell structure, Body fluids, Major systems of the body
2Basic concepts of Medical Instrumentation:
Generalized medical instrumentation system, operational modes, medical measurement constraints, classification of biomedical instruments.
3The Origin of Bio-potential:
Electrical activity of excitable cells- Resting states, Nernst equation, G-H-K equation, Active states, Network equivalent circuit of nerve/ skeletal fiber, propagation of action potential Volume conductor fields
4Bio-potential Electrodes:
The electrode-electrolyte interface, Polarization, Polarizable and nonpolarizable electrodes, Electrode behaviour and circuit models, The electrode skin interface and Motion artifact, Body-surface recording electrodes, Internal electrodes, Electrode arrays, Microelectrodes, Electrodes for electric stimulation of tissue
Electro-conduction system of the heart, The ECG waveform &Wigger’s diagram, Heart problems
The standard lead system, other ECG signals, ECG Noises, ECG amplification and signal conditioning circuits, ECG readout devices
6The Human nervous system & Brain function measurement:
Anatomy & physiology of nervous system
Instrumentation for brain function measurement
Cerebral angiography, cranial x-rays, brain scans, ultrasonic equipment
Electroencephalography: Neuron membrane potentials, EEG electrodes and the 1-20 system, EEG amplitude and frequency bands, EEG diagnostic uses and sleep patterns, EEG system block diagram, Preamplifiers and EEG system specifications, Visual and auditory evoked potential recordings, EEG telemetry
7Electrical Safety:
Physiological effects of electricity, Important susceptibility parameters, distribution of electric power, Macroshock hazards, Microshock hazards, Electrical- Safety codes and standards

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