Chapter No.: 1: Introduction:
1) Explain types of instruments.
2) Explain indicating, recording and integrating type instruments.
3) Explain recording and reporting of measurement.
4) Explain graphical representation of data.
5) Explain Precision and Accuracy, Resolution and Sensitivity.
6) Explain Errors in Measurement.
7) Explain Statistical Evaluation of Measurement Data and Errors.
Chapter No.: 2: Analog DC and AC meters:
1) Explain PMMC.
2) Explain Analog DC ammeters.
3) Explain Analog DC voltmeters.
4) Explain Analog AC ammeters.
5) Explain Analog Voltmeters.
6) Explain Analog Multimeters.
7) Explain special purpose analog meters.
8) List uses of basic meters.
9) Explain concept of meter errors.
10) How extend the range of meters?
11) Explain concept of loading effects and their elimination.
12) Explain concept of true rms voltmeters.
Chapter No.: 3 : Digital Meters
1) Explain Digital Voltmeter (DVM) in detail.
2) Explain Digital Multimeter in detail.
3) Explain vector voltmeter in detail.
4) Explain 7 Segment display in details.
5) Compare common anode type and common cathode type seven segment display.
6) Explain Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
Chapter No.: 4 : Oscilloscope
1) Explain the oscilloscope with principle of operation, advantages, disadvantages, and applications.
2) Explain the Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO) with principle of operation, advantages, disadvantages, and applications.
3) Explain Lissajous patterns of oscilloscope.
4) List selection criteria of probe of oscilloscope.