GTU 3131706 Measurement & Instruments: List of Experiments/Practicals

1) Measurement of the voltage and Current using Analog Meter.

2) Extend the range of given ammeter and Voltmeter.

3) Measurement of unknown resistance with Wheatstone bridge.

4) Measurement of low resistance with Kelvin double bridge.

5) Measurement of unknown Inductance with a.c. bridge.

6) Measurement of unknown capacitance with a.c. bridge.

7) Operation of CRO, DSO for voltage, current and frequency measurement, Lissajous patterns, phase angle measurements.

8) Calibration of single-phase energy meter direct loading.

9) Calibration of single energy meter.

10) Measurements of power factors.

11) Develop applications using CT and PT.

12) Develop application using RS-232C and 4-20mA current Loop.