Sr. No. | Practical Title |
1 | To measure the dielectric constantofa material. |
2 | To study the Hall-Effect. |
3 | To study the I-VCharacteristic of Silicon diode. |
4 | To study the I-VCharacteristic ofZenerdiode. |
5 | To study the I-VCharacteristic ofLED. |
6 | To determine the efficiency ofgiven solarcell. |
7 | To measure the Resistivity & Band gap ofGermanium Crystal (N-type)by Four Probe Method. |
8 | To measure thenumerical aperture ofopticalfiber. |
9 | To Study ofpropagation & bending loss in optical fiber. |
10 | P-N Junction diode as Bridge Rectifier. |
11 | Energy gap of Semiconductor. |
12 | Study of cathode ray oscilloscope. |
13 | Time constant of an R-C circuit. |
14 | L-C-R Circuit. |
15 | Logic Gates. |
16 | Virtual Laser Optics Lab. |
17 | Virtual Solid-State Physics Lab. |
18 | Virtual Harmonic Motion & Waves Lab. |
19 | Virtual Optics Lab. |
20 | Virtual Modern Physics Lab. |
21 | Virtual Physical Sciences Lab. |
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