GTU 3110012 Workshop/ Manufacturing Practices: Basic Information and Course Outcome

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Subject CodeEffective fromSubject NameCategorySem/YearLTPCreditEMIVTotal
31100122018-19 Workshop/ Manufacturing PracticesEngg Science Course10042002080100

Type of course: Engineering Science

Prerequisite: Zeal to learn the subject

Rationale: Workshop practice is the backbone of the real industrial environment which helps to develop and enhance relevant technical hand skills required by the technician working in the various engineering industries and workshops. Irrespective of branch, the use of workshop practices in day to day industrial as well domestic life helps to dissolve the problems.

Course Outcome:

1) Understand various manufacturing processes in machine shop and perform basic operations of welding, fitting, smithy and carpentry work
a) perform basic operations of welding, fitting, smithy and carpentry work.
b) Explain various manufacturing processes in machine shop.

2) Discuss application of plumbing fitting, masonry items and about plastic molding and glass cutting for various engineering application.

3) Measure different electrical quantities and trouble shoot electrical and electronics appliances.

4) Conduct experiments with various kits such as Raspberry and Arduino for embedded system development.

5) Use basic commands of computer operating systems.

Workshop Practice:

1) Machine shop

2) Fitting shop

3) Carpentry

4) Welding shop

5) Electrical

6) Electronics

7) Casting

8) Smithy

9) Plastic moulding & Glass Cutting

10) Plumbing and its fitting

11) Masonry Work

12) IOT

13) Software Tools & OS Commands

Case Studies/Demonstration:

  1. Arduino LED On/Off
  2. Or Raspberry LED/On
    It requires
    a) LED
    b) Resistor
    c) Connecting wires 3. Arduino alarm system which detects movement of an intruder with a high pitched alarm sounds and flashing lights.
    It requires
    a) An ultrasonic “ping” sensor –HC-SR04 or PIR
    b) A piezo buzzer
    c) LED strip light
  3. Arduino Trafiic Light Controller
  4. raspberry pi on screen keyboard app.
  5. It requires

a) Red, yellow and green LEDs.

b) A breadboard.

c) 6 x 220 resistors.

d) Connecting wires.

e) 1 x pushbutton switch.

f) 1 x 10k resistor

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