GTU 3110011 Physics Group I: List of Experiments/Practicals

Sr.Practical Title
1Diffraction and interference experiments (from ordinary light or laser pointers); measurement of speed of light on a table top modulation; minimum deviation from a prism.
2Measurement of the Distance using Ultrasonic Sensors.
3Study of Object Detection using Ultrasonic Sensors.
4Melde’s Experiment Transverse and Longitudinal Modes.
5To determine the frequency of given laser source.
6Frequency of AC Supply-Sonometer method.
7Wavelength of Light -Diffraction GratingUsing LASER.
8Acoustic grating method set up for measurement of velocity of ultrasonic waves in liquid.
9Melde’s experiment.
11Study of Damped Simple Harmonic Motion.
12Newton’s rings, Determination of using sodium light.
13Calibration of Spectrometer & determination of unknown wavelength.
14Dispersive curve of a prism.
15Study of Fabry-Perot Etalon.
16Study of Lloyd’s Mirror.
17Study of Double Refraction in Calcite Prism.
18Virtual Heat & Thermodynamics Lab.
19Virtual Advanced Mechanics Lab.
20Virtual Laser Optics Lab.
21Virtual Harmonic Motion & Waves Lab.
22Virtual Optics Lab.
23Virtual Modern Physics Lab.
24Virtual Lab on oscillations.
25Virtual Physical Sciences Lab.

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