Sr. | Topics | Teaching Hours | Module Weightage |
1 | INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENT: Definition, principles and scope of Environmental Science. Impacts of technology on Environment, Environmental Degradation, Importance for different engineering disciplines | 2 | 8 % |
2 | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: a) Water Pollution: Introduction – Water Quality Standards, Sources of Water Pollution, Classification of water pollutants, Effects of water pollutants b) Air Pollution: Composition of air, Structure of atmosphere, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Classification of air pollutants, Sources of common air pollutants like PM, SO2, NOX, Auto exhaust, Effects of common air pollutants c) Noise Pollution: Introduction, Sound and Noise, Noise measurements, Causes and Effects d) Solid Waste: Generation and management e) Bio-medical Waste: Generation and management f) E-waste: Generation and management | 14 | 44 % |
3 | GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Global Warming and Green House Effect, Acid Rain, Depletion of Ozone layer, Carbon Footprint, Cleaner Development Mechanism (CDM), International Steps for Mitigating Global Change | 6 | 24 % |
4 | BASIC CONCEPT OF GREEN BUILDING AND SMART CITIES: Green Building: Introduction, Objectives, Fundamental Principles, Benefits of Green Building, Examples of Green Building Smart Cities: Concept | 4 | 16 % |
5 | CONCEPT OF 4R’s: Principles, Application of 4R’s | 2 | 8 % |
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