Sr. No. | Topics | Teaching Hours | Module Weightage |
1 | INTRODUCTION TO CIVIL ENGINEERING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING MATERIALS: Introduction, Branches, Scope, Impact, Role of Civil Engineer, Units of measurement, Unit conversion (Length, Area, Volume). List of materials, Details (types, properties, uses) of materials: Cement, Aggregate, Brick, Steel, Concrete, Stone, Soil, Mortar, Timber, Plastic, Epoxy, Flyash, Steel slag, Copper slag, Bitumen, Optical fiber, Pipe, Wire, Cable, Smart material, Basic hand fill tests, FRP Water and waste water quality characteristics, drinking water standards, Road traffic, traffic control, traffic signals & Intersections. | 10 | 20 % |
2 | INTRODUCTION TO BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING: Definition and concept of plan of a simple residential building, Principles of planning, Elementary principles and basic requirements for building planning, elevation and section of a residential building. Principles of town planning, Necessity of town planning, Origin of town, Growth of town, Land use, Principles and objects of zoning, Advantages of zoning, Low cost housing, Prevention of slum, FSI. | 8 | 20 % |
3 | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING SERVICES: Building Construction: Types of building, Components of building & its functions, types of loads acting on building, Types of brick bonds, Typical building layout, Symbols used in electrical layout, Symbols used for water supply, plumbing and sanitation. Nominal dimensions for door, window and furniture. Building Services: Types of building services like plumbing & sanitation, water supply& drainage system, electricity, building finishes, HVAC. | 10 | 20 % |
4 | INTRODUCTION TO SURVEYING AND LEVELLING: Introduction, Fundamental principles, Classification. Linear measurement: Instruments used, Chaining on plane ground, Offset, Ranging. Angular measurement: Compass-Instrument used Meridian, Bearing, and Local attraction. Leveling: Instrument used, Terminology, Types of leveling, and Methods of leveling, Introduction to contour Modern tools: Introduction to Theodolite, Total Station, Introduction to GPS, GIS & RS | 12 | 20 % |
5 | ADVANCEMENTS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Smart city and it’s features, Solid waste management systems, Mass Transportation systems-BRTS, Metro, Rain water harvesting systems, Watershed Management, Green building, Energy efficient building, Development of River fronts, Heritage structures & its conservations, Features of Earthquake resistant structures | 10 | 20 % |
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