Digital Electronics MCQ Quiz Test No. 7 1 MCQ Quiz – Test: 7 : Digital Electronics This quiz helps students to increase their digital electronics subject knowledge. 1 / 10 ________the part of floating-point representation to represents a signed and fixed-point number. Mantissa Exponent Normalized Float 2 / 10 Decoupling capacitor is needed for TTL ICs for To block dc To reduce power dissipation To reduce the effects of noise None of these 3 / 10 _________ logic family offer complementary output. RTL DTL TTL ECL 4 / 10 ___________ is the ability of a circuit that a circuit can withstand maximum noise without affecting the output. Fan-In Fan-Out Speed Noise Immunity 5 / 10 What is the state of each transistor (ON or OFF) when all inputs are low as shown in the figure? Q1 = Q2 = ON, Q3 = Q4 = OFF Q1 = Q2 = OFF, Q3 = Q4 = ON Q1 = Q3 = ON, Q2 = Q4 = OFF Q1 = Q3 = OFF, Q2 = Q4 = ON 6 / 10 Decoupling capacitor should be connected To input pins Between power supply and ground To power supply To ground 7 / 10 The circuit shown in the figure represents ________ logic family. Two input TTL NAND Gate Two input TTL AND Gate Two input TTL NOR Gate Two input TTL OR Gate 8 / 10 What is the state of each transistor (ON or OFF) when all inputs are high as shown in the figure? Q1 = Q2 = ON, Q3 = Q4 = OFF Q1 = Q2 = OFF, Q3 = Q4 = ON Q1 = Q3 = ON, Q2 = Q4 = OFF Q1 = Q3 = OFF, Q2 = Q4 = ON 9 / 10 ___________ is the ability of logic families to handle number of inputs. Fan-In Fan-Out Speed Noise Immunity 10 / 10 The TTL with totem pole output has the following disadvantage. Low fan-In higher power dissipation Low noise margin Wire ANDing operation is not possible Your score isThe average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz