Digital Electronics MCQ Quiz Test No. 10


MCQ Quiz – Test: 10 : Digital Electronics

This quiz helps students to increase their digital electronics subject knowledge.

1 / 10

In Binary operations, a bitmask is used to filter ___________  values using logical operation.

2 / 10

_________ operation is also called as rotate operation.

3 / 10

The mask operation in computer is act as _______

4 / 10

In binary operation,  a bitmask of 00001111 with Boolean XOR operation, the operand value 01001110 is resulted to

5 / 10

__________ bit is transferred at LSB position in bit shift left (SHL) operation.

6 / 10

In 4-bit combinational circuit shifter with S = 1 then _________ operation is performed.

7 / 10

In binary operation,  a bitmask of 00001111 with Boolean AND operation, the operand value 01001110 is resulted to

8 / 10

In binary operation,  a bitmask of 00001111 with Boolean OR operation, the operand value 01001110 is resulted to

9 / 10

______________ microoperation is used to selectively complements bits of a register.

10 / 10

The transfer of information from one register to another register is called

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