Sr. No. | Topics | Teaching Hours | Module Weightage |
1 | INTRODUCTION: Signals, System and signal processing, Classification of signals, Concept of frequency in continuous time and discrete time for sinusoidal signals, Analog to Digital and Digital to analog conversion, Sampling theorem, Quantization, Coding of Quantized Samples, Analysis of digital signals and systems versus discrete – time signals and systems | 3 | 6 % |
2 | DISCRETE TIME SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS: Discrete – Time Signal Discrete – Time Systems Analysis of Discrete Time Linear Time – Invariant Systems: Discrete Time Systems Described By Difference Equation Correlation of Discrete Time Signals | 8 | 19 % |
3 | Z -TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATION TO ANALYSIS OF LTI SYSTEMS: Direct z-transform and its properties; poles and zeros; pole location and time domain relation for causal signals; system function of LTI system Inverse z-transform: by power series expansion and partial fraction expansion Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant System in the Z-domain: Response of system with rational transfer function, transient and steady state response, causality and stability; pole zero cancellations, multiple order poles and stability, stability of second order system The One – Sided z – Transform: Definition and properties, solution of difference equations, response of pole – zero systems with nonzero initial conditions | 8 | 19 % |
4 | STRUCTURES FOR DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS: Block Diagram and signal flow diagram representations of Linear ConstantCoefficient Difference equations, Basic Structures of IIR Systems, Transposed forms, Direct and cascade form Structures for FIR Systems, Effects of Coefficient quantization | 5 | 12 % |
5 | DISCRETE FOURIER TRANSFORM : ITS PROPERTIES AND APPLICATION Frequency –Domain Sampling (The Discrete Fourier Transform): frequency domain sampling and reconstruction of discrete – time signals, discrete Fourier transform (DFT), the DFT as a linear transformation, relationship of the DFT with other transformation Properties of the DFT: periodicity, linearity, symmetry, multiplication of two DFTs and circular convolution Linear Filtering Methods Based on the DFT: use of DFT in linear filtering, filtering of long data sequence; Frequency Analysis of Signals Using the DFT | 8 | 19 % |
6 | FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM: Efficient Computation of DFT:(FFT Algorithm): Direct computation of a DFT, divide & conquer approach to computation of DFT, radix2 and radix 4 FFT Algorithms | 4 | 10 % |
7 | FILTER DESIGN TECHNIQUE: Design of Discrete-Time IIR filters from Continuous-Time filters Approximation by derivatives, Impulse invariance and Bilinear Transformation methods; Design of FIR filters by windowing techniques, Illustrative design examples of IIR and filters. | 4 | 10 % |
8 | INTRODUCTION OF DSP: Introduction of DSP processor architecture | 2 | 5 % |
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